Twitter for mac icon
Twitter for mac icon

twitter for mac icon


Open them in separate windows or full screen spaces. Quickly switch between multiple accounts via the quick account picker, menu bar or keyboard shortcuts. Topics automatically chain together multiple Tweets to easily create tweetstorms or live blog events.Įver forget why you followed someone or wanted to jot notes about someone for future reference? Create notes on a user’s profile that only you can see. Open Tweetbot fullscreen with columns for a command center-like Twitter experience. Tweetbot for Mac syncs your read position and much more with Tweetbot for iOS so your experience is seamless when switching from desktop to mobile and vice versa. Create limited time filters to avoid spoilers for upcoming blockbuster movies or sporting events. Hide Tweets in your timelines by specific users, keywords, hashtags, or even the client that published the Tweet. Use them as custom curated timelines or even as your main timeline. Quickly filter a timeline to just show tweets with media, retweets, links, or create your own keyword or rules-based filters.įull support for managing your Twitter lists. The powerful timeline filters from Tweetbot for iOS are finally on the Mac. See how images and videos pop beautifully. Go easy on your eyes in low light situations with the new dark theme, one of the most highly requested features for Tweetbot. Open in Spring (Action extension): open Twitter links via Spring.Your browser does not support the video tag.Settings to export or import your custom settings/preferences.Optionally place a Compose Tweet button on the bottom tab bar (Settings > Tab Bar > Compose Button) (iPhone and iPad).Edit button and toolbar on your personal Following page, which allow you to select multiple following people, then Add to Lists or Unfollow at once.Turn on/off content scaling on Mac for extra screen estate or sharper text.Supports changing app icon on iPhone, iPad and Mac.Automatic video and GIF playback on the Timeline.Customizable text translation experience.Link Preview preloads web pages linked to tweets on your timeline, analyze and extract key information, and gives you a glimpse about the content on a web page before you ever open it.On iPad, you can Drag & Drop to open a tweet/user page/webpage/image/video in a secondary window.Multiple Windows support on iPad and Mac.Option to display Tweet Source on timeline.Mute List filters out unwanted tweets and users.

twitter for mac icon

Full Screen mode on iPhone let your timeline content fill the entire screen once you start scrolling.Column View takes full advantage of the big screen on iPad and Mac, shows multiple views at once and allows you to navigate between views fluently and efficiently.


  • Universal Purchase: purchase once, and install on your iPhone, iPad and Mac.
  • GIFs you selected are not shared with Giphy, the GIF content provider.
  • Links you opened are not shared with Twitter.
  • Your network connection to Twitter is protected by HTTPS.
  • Your account tokens are protected by on-device Keychain.
  • twitter for mac icon

    Spring does not collect any personal information.Currently support Mute List, User Notes, Reading Positions, Tweet Bookmarks, Drafts and Search History.Sync your data across your iPhone, iPad and Mac privately and securely.User Notes list: browse, organize and edit all your notes in one place.Privately set aliases, notes and username colors for other Twitter users.Supports custom fonts installed by third-party apps.Select from a variety of build-in fonts.Configure different fonts for body text and headings.Advanced color settings allow you to fine-tune colors for different level of views.Design and set custom themes for Spring.More than 10 build-in colors for you to choose.Configure different Accent Colors for Light and Dark mode.Change your tab icons (more than a thousand of icons for you to choose).Pin your frequently visit pages to the tab bar (for example, a Twitter List, search result list or user homepage).Features fast performance, truly native design and a highly customizable user interface. Introducing Spring 2, a new generation of Twitter client for iPhone, iPad and Mac.

    Twitter for mac icon